
Update Updates Read All About It

Hi Lovelies, how are you all doing? I’m doing well working hard as per usual. So it has started the Franchy rejuvenation of my blogs for the year 2022 till forevermore. I will have all new content for my many beautiful wonderful websites. As currently, I don’t plan on creating any new sites. I will just be consistent with them all. I do have a wonderful beautiful dream World Fitters. It’s truly madly deeply time that I stop dreaming my life and begin living my dream.

Ya Lovelies all my lovely blogs are about me living my dream no matter what. Yes, it is never easy nonetheless like life it is whatever you make of it. It can really be difficult or it can be a breeze of fresh air. I have been writing for a good amount of my life and am currently am working on being a published author as I continually work on my book. I would really appreciate it if you would visit my other beauty Sweet Lovelies sorry for deterring from my usual topic on this beautiful wonderful blog. I just wanted to share a different aspect of my life. As some of you may know I do so many things. As I definitely am not one to put all my eggs in one basket. Nevertheless thank you for listening. Have a blessed day

2022 Be Well Take A Mental Brake.

Hi Lovelies, how are you? I’m seriously all right a bit stressed and a little worried. Nonetheless, I’m doing good truly madly deeply blessed mmmmmmmmmm ya. Sweet Lovelies as the new year is in full Franchy swing my mental health is becoming ever so important. As with the new year, the pressure to change for the better can truly madly deeply be overwhelming. You often are wondering are you doing enough to make your new years resolution a promise of happily ever after? This is why I no longer make new years resolutions as I never keep them. Then as you realize that your new year’s resolution is not going to truly be realized so you become depressed and feel like a failure.

Smile everything will be alright sweet lovely ??????

Ya Lovelies you may all know about my blog’s rejuvenation for 2022. Ya, I want to bring all my wonderful blogs back to life. Nevertheless, old habits die hard as usual. So far Lovelies I have only managed to bring 2 blogs back to life this wonderful website and my beauty This is better than nothing at all which I’m not complaining about at all. Lovelies I believe the best thing is for us to always remember that we are all perfectly imperfect and ya we make mistakes. It is very important for us not to ever be too hard on ourselves. So often we can easily forgive others yet we can never give ourselves a break. Be kind to yourself today and always Lovelies. Have a blessed day. Count your many blessings and pray that everything will be ok. I love you all. Bye till tomorrow Sweet Lovelies ya.

Did someone ever tell you life is what you ever make of it? ????????????

Franchys Midwinter Stream Update.

Hi Lovelies, how are you all doing? I’m doing well truly madly deeply can’t complain. I was on a short break which really was not a break as I still had to work. It was more like a transition period Lovelies. What was I transitioning from you may want to ask? Well Sweet Lovelies it was a writing transition. I love this blog and it is really close to my Franchy heart. As my blog was truly madly deeply created in a place of pure love. Nevertheless, I love all my websites just the same none more than the other. Which is why I would like to announce my Franchy masterpiece blog plan.

As I said previously the many days off I had was just a transition. I’m transitioning to a whole new phase in my very own perfectly imperfect business. I want to succeed and create our very own physical safe place. Beauties from the beginning I never intended to just have an online business. I always wanted a physical building. I will make it happen Lovelies. In addition, I do also want my very own frantastic app. I have so many beautiful blue dreams that I’m working diligently to make a Franchy reality. I’m not getting any younger so the time is right now, and it all starts with this frantastic writing transition. Care to join me Lovelies? It is always because of you all and I’m truly madly deeply eternally grateful. Continuously dreaming of my perfectly imperfect life is no longer an option. 2022 is here and I’m ready, are you? Have a truly lovely blessed day Lovelies mmmmmmmm ya.

2022 Franchy Updates With Sweet Love.

Sometimes those nearest and dearest to you desreve the most wonderfully beautiful news. For I truly madly deeply love you all. Sweet lovely let’s gather at our very own happily ever after. For the good newss is you still have a chance to stop dreaming your life and begin living your dreams.

Hi, Lovelies! How are you all doing this beautiful lovely new year? I’m doing alright being my perfectly imperfect self. The other day I was not alright Lovelies. As I had a lot going on in my Franchy mind. For instance, bills, trying to balance work and a new relationship, and battling a bad reaction to the Covid Vaccine. Sweet Lovelies’ life can truly madly deeply be difficult and unfair. Sometimes I just feel extremely overwhelmed and unsure where my very own happily ever after is. Every so often you can’t even breathe and you become absolutely certain this can be your very last day. Sweet Lovelies it’s time like this that makes me begin thinking about meditating again or at least talking to a professional. Ya keeping yourself updated on your perfectly imperfect emotional well-being. After all, no one is more nearest and dearest than you are to yourself.

Sometimes those nearest and dearest to you deserve the most wonderfully beautiful news. For I truly madly deeply love you all. Sweet Lovely let’s gather at our very own happily ever after. For the good news is you still have a chance to stop dreaming your life and begin living your dreams. Ya Lovelies so the first of the month of the new year is almost over. It just seems like 2022 just started. Nevertheless here I’m doing the same things all over again. I mean just when it feels like I’m really trying to change somethings seemingly always goes wrong. For example, like me getting sick from the Covid Vaccine and not being able to work. Moreover, I have been depressed a bit and have not been working as hard as I need to this very moment. My update is that I’m back. I’m playing catch up with my blog posts and would like to write other content as well. Lovelies these are my wonderfully beautiful blue dreams and I must make them come true. If you too have fallen behind on your new year’s resolution you still have time. Change never comes easy. It all depends on how badly you want it. I of course want it as bad as I need to breathe. I wish you all luck with life and living the dream you truly madly deeply always wanted. You are all worth it Lovelies never give up on your dreams. I love you all. Have a blessed day mmmmmmmmmm ya.

Poetry Of Self Love 2022

Hi Love. Today you were having a chat about last year’s past of broken dreams. Your mom is overly clueless of the wonderful Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel you always were. Just often misunderstood is all. You came from a place of no love. Often being put down by the ones who were supposed to love you the most. But for some reason, there just was no love.

Nonetheless what hurts the most was when you started believing. With so many trips on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. A feeling of worthlessness truly madly deeply felt inevitable.

So one night you decided to say your final goodbyes. One final kiss and a lovely hug to try to heal old wounds of hope. Nonetheless here you are laying on your bed preparing to close your beautiful blue eyes now and forevermore. The pill bottle is in your hands as tears seemingly drip from your beautiful blue eyes eternally forevermore. Then a lovely girl with deep blue eyes decided to pay you the final visit. She reminded you how special you truly madly deeply were.

Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, you are special. You see what so many will thankfully never see. You open the gate of sweet haven and let everyone create their very own happily ever after by chance. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, I love the fact that you care about others before you care about yourself. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always believe in your blue dreams. Work hard and truly madly deeply create the life you always wanted. Don’t dream your life live your dream. Better days are right around the corner from the merry-go-round of broken dreams.

2022 A Franchy Year Of Self Love.

Every so often a New Year of hope is a very sweet chance for you to stop dreaming your life and begin living your dream. Create your very own happily ever after and live the life you always dream of. Yes you are absolutely worth it.

Wow, Lovelies Happy New Year! I’m so excited to be bringing in the new year with you Lovelies. This year I really am looking to post more regularly. Revealing more of the real me. Ya, I’m perfectly imperfect and that is truly madly deeply beautiful. Sweet Lovelies since starting this beautiful wonderful amazing blog I have never pretended to truly madly deeply have all the answers for every question. Because I truly don’t and there is no need to pretend otherwise. Rather this is just my very own journey of self-love that I’m sharing so that I may help you.

Yes truly helping you is the whole reason that I started my frantastic blog of self-love. I was feeling unattractive and unloved and I thought I might help others who are feeling the same way. Moving forward I will include a wide range of content just to your liking. Feel free to comment any suggestions on a topic you may have. Just please make sure it is a topic related to this blog. I’m unable to promise to write an article on every topic you suggest sorry. I do promise to always do my best to bring you the best content that will interest you. I’m am looking forward to another year with you all. Stay blessed and have a very safe new year. I truly madly deeply hope this is a great year for you all.

I dedicate this post to the lovly Betty White who passed away on New Years Eve. Just a couple days short of her very own perfectly imperfect 100th birthday. Gone but never truly madly deeply forgotten. Circa; January 12 1922 to December 31, 2021.

2021 Facebook My Life My Business

Hi, Lovelies today I was just going through all my pictures on Facebook. You know it is truly madly deeply something watching yourself change throughout the perfectly imperfect years. Now That I’m almost 40 years old I’m heading to another Franchy love milestone lives. I read different comments and saw how many likes that I have. Ya Lovelies Facebook for me is truly madly deeply for business only. Sure inevitably when I’m working on my perfectly imperfect blue dreams guys come and try to date me. Of course, I would say I’m not looking for love but they will not listen. Needless to say, I don’t fall in love with them and just go back to working hard on my wonderfully beautiful blue dreams of hope.

Ya, that is just it Lovelies I have a lot of wonderful beautiful dreams. I have been this way for many years now. As I live each day I have always been really different from anyone else. For example, I see things that others can not see. Sometimes I have absolute horrid dreams where I’m many different races while I sleep. Ya, I’m really different and very sweet as well. This is what I share on my Facebook. I share on my Facebook whatever is on my Franchy heart. For instance, on Youtube, I have been recommended a lot of funeral services. My heart was truly madly deeply moved so I share it with all my friends and wonderful followers of hope. Facebook to me has become much more than just a social network it has truly madly deeply become a way of life for many.

To be continued

2021 Happy Birthday Beautiful.

So today is my birthday. I’m truly madly deeply blessed to see another day and year. From my late twenties until now my birthday has always been associated with my perfectly imperfect weight gain. Moreover self-love also always plays a big part. It was my lack of self-love that made getting a gift a necessary part of celebrating my perfectly imperfect birthday. Now I truly madly deeply know that the true gift is living my very best life to my very own happily ever after.

The blue gift of love.

Lovelies life is truly madly deeply a gift. Every day we are able to open our beautiful blue eyes is always a wonderfully beautiful blessing. I remember I was looking at the news and learned about a 3-year-olds death three days before his birthday. Life is truly madly deeply short and very unfair to lose such a Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel at such a young age. Furthermore, I learned about the woman who came in contact with the drunk driver and lost almost everything that really matters the most to her. Sweet Lovelies enjoy every perfectly imperfect breath that you take and create your very own happily ever after. Enjoy the most wonderfully beautiful gift of life.

My perfectly imperfect life begin on a beautiful wonderful Sunday of October 31 of 1982. Back when I was in my wonderful country of birth Haiti. My blue eyes were twinkly from pure natural happiness. I was an empty open eternal forevermore of many sweet dreams. Pretty soon life was being thrown at me every which way. I’ve learned to congratulate myself on the many wonderful experiences I was able to create and forgive myself for my many past transgressions. For I’m not perfect but only human. On my special day, let’s celebrate true love with each other. I know many of us come from all over the world. For example, England, Germany, Indonesia, and France. Lovelies we are all part of this self-love family. On my special day lets us come together and create wonderful beautiful peace. I love you all truly madly deeply. Please be well and take care. For your gift to me is truly madly deeply your very own happiness.

Happy Birthday Francesca A Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel.

Franchy on your wonderfully beautifully special day I want to truly madly deeply wish you create the happily ever after that you truly deserve. You are beautiful and smart believe in yourself and then all become possible. Live your dream and stop dreaming your life now and forevermore. Francesca Etheart INC and Frans Online Business INC are patiently waiting for you in your very own happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel you are much more then anther pretty face your beautiful blue eyes says it all. Say that you will stop dreaming and live.

I love you truly, je t’aime.

Franchy Picture Great Life 69

Yesterday we kissed 2018 goodbye.

It wasn’t one of those lingering heart stopping kisses either.

It was a kiss that left a lot more to be desired. The kiss was very emotional and heart felt, with truly deep meaning.

We were kissing away some pain missed with pleasure, some more so then others.

Though not all the pain were kissed away, no some were left to help us with some unspeakable unforeseeable life-altering events.

May 2019 be a year of great hope for all, may God guides us through our darkest corner of our souls.

Let’s kiss away any fear and our many dream stoppers.

Lets have one of these lingering kisses to welcome 2019.

Happy New Year