Today was not particularly a beautiful day at Marine Park but I still made my way to do my daily work out. Working out 7 days a week in itself is challenging nonetheless we all know how important it is to maintain your perfectly imperfect shape.
First start small then achieve big obstacles!
As for my shape I’m okay with it, the only body part I struggle with the most is my frantastic baby bump. No I’m not pregnant just everyone else seems to think I’m pregnant. Sometimes I definitely don’t feel good about my body. Luckily for me exercising helps release endorphins that makes me feel so good about being imperfect.
I’m perfect <3 “imperfect”
Yes I’m imperfect, I have rolls, stretch marks, scars, and a couple of things that I rather not mention. Nevertheless I’m okay with all of that. I remember one guy from my pass saw me at work he was quite surprised that I let myself put on weight. He made a comment I will never forget “you use to be perfect, your face is still pretty.” So now I’m not perfect I thought great! World Fitters the reason that I mentioned my pass body history is because I wanted to illustrate why you shouldn’t exercise.
You shouldn’t exercise for someone else, it’s your body take care of it because you love it. Weight loss stimulated because of someone else and not you won’t last forever because people comes and go out of your life. Now that you are exercising because you are worth it I wanted to share some of my favorite exercises with you.
Get Moving With Franchy
Have you tried my exercises yet, if the answer is no what are you waiting for? Get your bottom off the couch and move that body. I really hope all my blog posts have inspired you to love your body and take care of your health. I love you all have a wonderful weekend, see you next time.
As an adolescent I idolize models, after all they are the “standard beauty.” Their thin bodies decorate every famous magazines and catalog. Well apparently my mother thought I could be a model so my mother had me call a model agency, which I did. Back then I had the “perfect body” absolutely no stomach and a thin frame essentialize with 36C breasts so I certainly had the looks. However I didn’t have the confidence so my modeling career was cut short or was it?
Bye Bye tummy hello curves.
I’ve been thinking World Fitters everything in life does eventually come to full circle. I mean everything you do in your life will one day be actualize. For example, there was a time that I really felt ugly that I could never be a model. Now I have turned to a model thanks to my websites and social media my pictures are all over the web. I remember a time that I had no pictures on the internet now there are many everywhere. Similarly there was a time that I hated my body and every stretch mark that decorated my body. Currently I love the body that is so perfectly imperfect. We all are models in the making as so perfectly stated by the below acrostic poem.
Franchys Model Your Imperfections:
More is more- The more beautiful you realize that you are the less imperfect your body seems.
Ok so I’m fat- Thank you for clearing that up for me, otherwise I couldn’t see that for myself. Yes I know models are supposed to be skinny, thanks again for bringing that to my attention.
Don’t speak- Have you heard of the old saying “if you can’t say nothing nice don’t say anything at all?” Don’t Speak like my favorite song by No Doubt, please.
End perfection and indoctrinate imperfections- The truth is we are all trying to be perfect without realizing no one or nothing is perfect. Our imperfections are what makes us who we are, put an end to plastic surgeries and perfections.
Laugh of the haters and that beautiful pouch- “Did you know Laughing intensely for an hour can burn as many calories as lifting weight for 30 minutes, scientists have found?” So World Fitters don’t sweat it and laugh all the way to the scale because your weight is your business.
World Fitters Mold, Shape, and Paint your perfectly imperfect body. Far to many of us are propagandize by the bodies we see in magazines. Real women have curves, rolls, stretch marks, and some women doesn’t have any of these things and that is fine we all are beautiful. Follow the body positivity model and love you.
My weightloss
World Fitters I hope you find my many inspirational words inspiring in helping you love your body. Too many times people are putting others down for not being the standard beauty. understands your bodies struggle to fit in with this backward pressure building to be perfect world. No one is perfect and that is just fine, I love you World Fitters just as you are. Have a wonderful week, bye for now.
Francesca here, how are you doing today? Wherever you are in the world hope you are having a fantastic day. I myself am having a fantastic day here in beautiful New York. Why is that you might ask? Well I’m almost at my very own special weight. As many of you guys who have been reading my blogs know that I’ve been working hard all year long. So many sweat and tears went into this body.
This body is my very own work of art. I molded and shaped every curve in my body. However I have to admit I have had some help a long the way. Such as Pact and S Health two very good apps to help you keep the weight off. Additionally I have had help from Rodney who have been there for me walking and bringing me salads. So I wanted to say thank you to all of them.
When it comes to weight loss you can do it alone however it is better if you get some support from your love ones. That way if you ever get unmotivated they can give you the motivation you need. In the end it is only you that can shape and mold your body. That is why I don’t believe in fat shaming. It is never okay to make someone feel ashamed of their body. The chances are they already feel ashamed and hate their bodies. This website is all about getting the support you need, whether you’re fat or skinny. is here for you every step of the way. Look at my blog and see you.
Everyday I look at myself in the mirror I don’t see the person I truly am. I only see what others see in me. The biggest mistake I’ve made is seeing myself through someone else eyes.
She Say He Say
Hey you gotta lose the belly it’s not good.
You gotta stop whatever you are doing.
You looked better when you were thin.
What happen to you?
I see you’ve only been walking no exercise.
Are you pregnant?
Have you been stressed is that why you put back on the weight?
And the lists goes on and on…………….. Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah……………..
Don’t let people define you, be you, love yourself World Fitters.
Really look at yourself and see the real you. Look at me Franchy.
Franchy’s 2016 Weight Loss Lookbook
Me in spring ready to spread my wings.Bye Bye tummy hello curves.Ready for a night out not ready for a weight gain come back.All me every curve and crevice!Once upon a time where it all begin!Love the #1 person in your life.The faces of beauty!All it takes is consistency in order for you to create the perfect you.Are you bikini body ready? Hell yeah! 🙂Bikini body ready, oh yeah! 😉Loving me, that’s the way to be.A summer dress to remember.The faces of self love! RIP Jackie Ojo.Kiss body shaming away. MuahahahahahahLook in the mirror and love what you see <3
Prelude: I hope you guys noticed that I picked a beautiful full figure women as my feature image. I wanted you guys to know it is okay to be you. Race, color, weight, and all you don’t have to explain how you got to be that size. Erace self hate! The only person you got to answer to is god and yourself. In this blog I will show the relationship between your race and your weight.
Hola (Hello) World Fitters! I’m here bringing you the latest information on how to love your body and make it your own. Create the perfect body with proper exercise and watching what you eat. Is it possible after exercising and doing the right things that you can still be fat?
Maybe, perhaps there are other factors that can cause weight gain. Does fat have a color? What I mean is are certain races predispose to weight gain? Well that is what we will found out today. As you guys know from looking at my different pictures and videos on this site I’m African American. Now African Americans are known for having a curvy body. Most of our bodies are very voluptuous. Contrastingly Asians are mostly known for their thinner flatter physiques.
Of course there are exceptions to the rules. For example, I’ve seen some very voluptuous Asians and, some very thin African Americans. The culprit being a lot of mixing of the races.
Lets mix and match our different perspective on weight gain and race. It is apparent weight gaining is more prevalent amongst the African American race then the white. Let me say this straight away I don’t think your race have any effect on your weight. However your culture and the foods that are part of your culture have a bigger effect.
I think in so much areas of our life we make related to our race. Lets not make our weight be one of them. Weight gain is not racist it builds up on any race at any time. My own weight gain was not shy about picking me. It wasn’t racist at all. It came all of a sudden all at once.
Racism doesn’t have a part in our life nor of our weight. However there are special colors you can use to flatter your curves. Below are my frantastic weight flattering colors. Also check out my Dress your weight article design to make you look and feel your best!
My Frantastic Wear any Damn Color You Want:
By DeviantArt
My special message to you: It is almost summer or swim suit season. As a voluptuous full figure woman you shouldn’t shy away and cover your body up. Instead wear a fun color swimsuit like a purple bikini and have some fun. Don’t let your size bring you down.
My special message to you: This summer polka dots are in. Let the world poke into your amazing fashion sense. Thats right “Curvy is Beautiful!” You are beautiful! Live, love live like tomorrow is not promise.
My special message to you: Sexy is in! Look red hot in the latest fashion. Compliment your outfit with red kissable lips. Just because there is more of you doesn’t mean your not sexy. In fact there is more sexiness! “Bring your sexy back this spring.”
My special message to you: Bring out the best you with horizontal lines. Accentuate your outfit with a beautiful smile. Smile because you know your beautiful and your worth it. Smile because your alive to see another day.
My special message to you: “Sky’s the limit” wear the latest blue fashion and see there is no limit to what you can do. You are capable of great things. You are much more then your weight. Love every inch of you.
My special message to you: Bring a little of sunshine back in your life with yellow clothing. There is nothing like cheerful colors that can brighten your days. Life is hard I understand that you cant always smile. So let your clothes smile for you. Smile through your clothes.
My weightloss
The above article shows how color can help shape our life. We all need some meaning to our life. Everything you do has a meaning including the clothes you wear. For instance wearing all black can signify a death in the family or depression. As I mention before I don’t think our race have an impact on our weight. Obesity doesn’t discriminate it embed itself right into our soul. “The eye is the window to our soul.” What do you see? See that you are a beautiful person inside out. Don’t let the number on a scale define who you are. “Be you always.”
Love your friend Francesca! Bye, Bye World Fitters!
Fran says check these out before we say our good byes:
Hello World Fitters! Another week have pass by. It’s now Friday time for my latest post. This post I wanted to focus on finding the right clothes to compliment your body.
I know I’ve been telling you about my weight loss journey on my weekly shapely. However this blog is a bit different. How so you may ask? This article is different because I wont be giving you snippets of my weight loss. Instead I will be talking about dressing your weight.
Before when I was thin I had no problem finding clothes to fit me. As you guys know before I use to be a size eight. Now I’m a size eight, nine, ten and eleven. What? I know up and down. Finding clothes havent been easy. It’s obvious the fashion designers don’t make clothes to fit every body type.
I’m getting prepared to write a letter to all the designers to complain about not being able to find my size. Laugh out Loud, but seriously it is no piece of cake finding the right clothes especially when you’re morbidly obese. One major problem is finding clothes that looks sexy and body appropriate.
Being fat can be sexy. Curvy and voluptuous people want some love too. We date and want to marry some day. Why cant our clothes reflect that too? That is a question I definitely want the answer to. My best answer to that question is many people don’t see fat as being sexy. They see it as something that should be covered. Hance that is exactly what the clothes are doing. I’m not big and I find it difficult to find clothes even after losing some weight. I can only imagine how hard it is for a morbidly obese women and men to find the right clothes.
World Fitters I did some research it seems the average size to have decent clothes is about 24-26, 24-28, and 1XL- 3XL. What do you do if your bigger then that? The answer is have your clohtes made for you. Which is rather on the expensive side.
Another alternative is to go on a clothes hunt. Where you go to varies stores mixing and matching. For instance I did that on my last shopping run. I got a small eleven and a small ten pants which is equivalent to a size 10 and a size 8 pants. The different sizes confused me a bit. I remember when i got the exact same pants to have one fit me and one don’t. Imagine my frustration World Fitters. Clothes hunting is not fun for me but rather a must.
Speaking of clothes hunting I would like to recommend two websites to help you dress to your perfection.
Hello World Fitters! I’m taking a much needed brake. I’m a bit fatigue and I need to refresh my batteries. Don’t worry I’ll be back next Friday with a mind blowing post just for you!
I’m sorry leaving you high and dry but this needs to be done. You can always check out my other posts to keep you company while I’m gone.
I’ll be gone for the rest of the week. I’m officially back on Monday. So next Friday expect to see a new article.
Hola World Fitters! I’m currently at work writing next weeks blog. This blog is going to be about good books to read to help you lose weight. As most writers understand reading is a life skill that can be perfected with each written word.
As a writer reading is part of my life. As a matter of fact reading and writing goes hand in hand. For instance I’m constantly rereading my articles to make sure they are as close to perfection as possible. Additionally I’m currently reading around the web for the latest news for you guys! Reading is part of our daily life. For instance how are you enjoying reading this article? I hope you are enjoying yourself. Other then reading being enjoyable, reading is also indescribably relaxing and awakens your imagination. Don’t believe me? Come on give it a try. Head over to your nearest book store.
With today’s technology bookstores are closing down. Book tablets like amazons kindle are very popular. Now instead of carrying one book with you, you can carry 20. With that amount of selection there is so much to pick and choose from. Wow readers are in book heaven! With Christmas past and gone and the new years in full swing, a book to help you regain control of your life would be a great post holiday gift. Amazon sells a lot of great books. Amazon kindle also has a ton of self help books.
In today’s world in order to be successful we have to understand ourselves. If we need help with something we have to willing to ask for help. We can’t wait for others to help us. We have to help ourselves. Which is why self help books are very popular.
World Fitters I personally did research on self help books to help you lose weight. A lot of them basically sing the same tune. That being fat is bad. You should lose weight to fit into today’s ideal beauty. You know isn’t down with that. So as I read I was thinking blah blah blah.
I’m tired of the negativity towards fat people. When I gain the weight, all I kept hearing is how much better I looked when I was thin. Everyone just kept saying the same thing. Needless to say I was highly irritated with hearing the same thing over and over again.
Similarly I’m tired of books saying the same thing. As a writer you know you have to be creative, create your own style. All these books seem like they were written by the same person.
Is there a cult where everyone meets to fat shame people? Please let me know! Yes when it comes to weight loss I do get a bit emotional. It’s because all I’ve been through with my own weight. So don’t tell me to calm down and say nothing to the person who is fat shaming.
The bottom line is fat shaming is wrong. Don’t let anyone’s opinion shape the way you feel about yourself. Lose the weight because you love yourself and because you’re worth it. Speaking of the words worth it.
Books close to my heart
The only book I thought that was worth mentioning is
“Weight Loss Motivation: This is Not Another Book About Losing Weight. How to Start and Stick to Your Fitness Program or Routine Without Giving Up Ever!”
by Katherine Tomlinson
I really feel that Katherine Tomlinson book is a good read. The book “Weight Loss Motivation…….” gives a unique view on the struggles we all face while trying to lose weight.
The only frantastic wise statement I want to make is that don’t lose your self through your weight loss. Always stay true to yourself World Fitters! I really hope you have enjoyed reading my blog. I sincerely hope that the book I suggested help you in your life. Be good to yourself World Fitters. See you next time. Have the most awesome weekend. Bye! Bye! Love you!